The presidential ambition of Vice President Yemi Osinbajo gathers momentum on Monday as his team released a compendium titled “The unveiling Osinbajo…if empowered”.

Osinbajo’s team in ‘An Impact Assessment Report’ details several interventions the vice president had made since he became the nation’s number two man, some actions he took as Acting President, his philosophy of life, what eminent Nigerians said about him and what his Presidency will mean to Nigerians.

The Star got a copy of the compendium through a presidential aide.
In the report put together by Identify theRightLeader group, Osinbajo was positioned as best to lead Nigeria in 2023 if empowered.
In the Executive Summary of the compendium, the authors said: “…Being President of Nigeria should not just be an Osinbajo ambition but a goal every well-meaning Nigerian should strive to achieve so as to exhume the country from the labyrinth of underdevelopment and waste in governance.
“This report is a call of duty to Nigerians to wake up and see how we have been shortchanged as a people in terms of leadership. If one man can achieve all these impactful feats embedded in this report, while serving in subordinate roles, imagine how much he will do when he is in charge.
“Power in the hands of Osinbajo will indeed be a shining torch that will illuminate the country. This report establishes that Professor Yemi Osinbajo has distinguished himself in public service, hence, he is the kind of leader Nigeria needs to steer the country off the trajectory of waste and inefficiency in governance. The report identifies that the country cannot afford to be sentimental about who should lead the country but rather decisions should be based on track records.
“When one considers the impact Yemi Osinbajo has had throughout his sojourn in public office, it is safe to say that Nigeria needs him more than he needs Nigeria.
It is discovered that the Office of the Vice President constrained Yemi Osinbajo’s capacity to perform owing to his constitutional limitations, but his intellectualism and capacity were best expressed as Attorney General of Lagos State and as Acting President of Nigeria.
“The many impacts made in active service as a public office holder were documented but his policies and impact both locally and internationally are inexhaustible and this report only scratches the surface to display how much one good leader can achieve silently, without fanfare and billboards to blow it up in people’s faces.
“The findings in this report should be a guide in helping politicians, opinion shapers, the populace, and elites to make up their mind that 2023 is not a time for politicking but a time to salvage and save the soul of Nigeria.
Yemi Osinbajo has displayed capacity to return Nigeria to its glory days as a giant indeed. The onus now lies in our hands as a people to decide what it will be in 2023; ‘business as usual’ or a ‘turning point where things really turn for good.’”
In its recommendations, the Report states: “It is our considered opinion that Professor Yemi Osinbajo should run for the highest office in the land and be voted for en masse, not only because he is a patriotic, selfless leader and is also highly qualified following his antecedents, but also because he has demonstrated high competence, capacity and character throughout his life in public service, and looks like the most empathetic (this is lacking in most leaders since Awolowo’s time), most cerebral and most efficient.
“It was Cardinal Richelieu who opined that nations have needs and interests, which might even conflict with that of the leader, but the needs and interest of the State must be protected at all times.
What the Nigerian nation needs in the coming election is a leader who is an orator, a technocrat, with a high level of emotional intelligence who can galvanize the people to believe in our shared values and common goals once again.
A leader who can reposition the country for greatness again. No one is more poised or better positioned to accomplish this than Professor Yemi Osinbajo.”